fabi ayyi ala i rabbikuma tukazziban
o which of your Lord’s favours, graces, will you deny? (tukadhdhibān is mentioned thirty one times; the interrogative is meant [to be understood] as an affirmative, judging by what al-Hākim [al-Naysābūrī] reported [by way of an isnād] from Jābir [b. ‘Abd Allāh al-Ansārī], who said, ‘The Messenger of God (s) was reciting surāt al-Rahmān to us, and when he completed it, he said, “What is wrong with you that you have been silent [throughout]? Verily the jinn are more responsive than you. Not once did I recite this verse to them — So which of your Lord’s favours will you deny? — but that they said, ‘Not one of your graces, our Lord, do we deny, for [all] praise belongs to You’ ”). How to Earn Using ChatGPT