“Think about the possibilities of having a journalist who can write as well as Michael Lewis and six times faster, a video editor who can quickly extract the best short clips from five hours of footage, or a software programmer who can write code four times faster with the help of an AI assistant.
This is already happening today with generative technology, where artificial intelligence works alongside humans to boost productivity. It’s like having a team of four people helping you out, but in seconds and at a fraction of the cost.Deepfake: A New Era of Misinformation

Generative technology has the potential to revolutionize industries such as education, marketing, media, software development, and design. We can expect to see a surge in user-friendly applications and a resurgence in consumer technology as more companies invest in generative tech. The possibilities are endless, and it’s an exciting time to be a part of this revolution.” Exploring the World of Graphic Design

“As generative technology advances, we will see a shift towards curation over creation. With AI tools making the creation process easier than ever, there will be an abundance of content – text, video, audio, and imagery. In this scenario, the skill of curating and editing this content will become increasingly important.
While this revolution may be unsettling for some, it is important to remember that it will not eliminate jobs, but rather, evolve them. It will also create new jobs and fields that we haven’t even thought of yet. Additionally, it will improve the overall quality of writing and design in industries where businesses couldn’t afford great writers or designers before. ایلون مسک نے اینڈ کر دیا
The key is to embrace generative technology and learn to use it to benefit ourselves and enhance our work. Those who do so will see a remarkable increase in productivity in the next 36 months, across various industries such as marketing, sales, writing, education, and more. However, with the increase in productivity, we will also see an increase in volume and sophistication of online spam and disinformation, which is something that companies and users will have to work together to combat.

To achieve these productivity explosions, we will need easy-to-use and easy-to-integrate generative tech software that allows for collaboration with others in our work lives, similar to how we use Slack, Salesforce, or HubSpot today with our teams. It’s an exciting time to be a part of this revolution.”