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Islamic calligraphy is the artistic practice of handwriting and calligraphy, in the languages which use the Arabic alphabet or the alphabets derived from it. It includes Arabic, Persian, Ottoman, and Indian calligraphy. It is known in Arabic as Khatt Arabi (خط عربي), which translates into Arabic line, design, or construction.

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the secretary to the last Abbasid caliph. Rumours have spread far and wide suggesting that Yakut trained six educates, every one of whom dominated the content.

The names of a portion of the contents allude to their size. Its adjusted lettering fits compositional procedures, including perky interweaving and interlocking of letters. A more modest variant of muhakkak is reyhani. Tevki is a chancellery script, used to record government reports. Rika is a more modest form of tevki.

The most talented of calligraphers attained honourable positions as scribes in the Imperial Palace or as teachers of Imperial rulers.